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WPIRWorld Politics and International Relations

Tassa scolastica 3.500 € all'anno

Tuition fee for non-EU students who enter Italy with a study visa is based on flat rate and depends on the citizenship.
If non-EU students come from a family with limited financial resource, they can choose to have their tuition fee calculated according to their family income (from €156,00 to €3.985,00 per year).
For more info please consult this link

Tassa di iscrizione 35 € per programma

This fee is not refundable.

Maggiori informazioni



The two-year Master degree program in World politics and international relations aims to provide a broad, multidisciplinary training in comparative and international studies, in particular in the areas of politics, history, law and economics. The courses in comparative studies aim to improve the student’s ability to interpret and analyse the different political systems of the world as outcomes of path dependent economic and political structures and developments. The courses in international studies aim to deepen the student’s understanding of how the interactions among political systems have unfolded in the most important geopolitical settings, and of how they influence contemporary trends in challenging and answering the basic goals of political systems and human security.

Struttura del programma

Study plan and further information are available at this link .

The Department has successfully implemented a Double Degree program with a prestigious University in Argentina. This bilateral agreement allows the students who participate in the program to obtain an Italian degree and the equivalent foreign title. Learn more here

• Comparative Politics
• Economic Models of Politics
• History of International Relations
• Comparative History of Government
• Human Rights and International Justice
• Explanatory Models in International Relations
• Two subjects to be chosen from : History of Diplomacy / EU Law and Policies in Managing Migration / International Dispute Settlement
• One subject to be chosen from the list: Law of Regional Integration / Indian Ocean: History , Geopolitics and Security / Italian Politics and Society / Italy in the International System / Sociology of development / Economics and Migration / History of Modern and Contemporary China / equality , Democracy , and Epistocracy / Italian Language (for foreign students)

• Issues in Internationl Relations
• Methods for Political Reasearch
• Ethics and International Relations
• One subject to be chosen from any of the courses offered by the University
• Courses to be chosen from the list: One or more language courses other than English (French, German, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Italian) / a period of work placement (on student initiative) / Academic Writing

Sbocchi professionali

Given its interdisciplinary and comparative nature, the Laurea Magistralis in World Politics and International Relations provides students with a broad perspective on current global issues, an understanding of the genesis and the evolution of major international changes, and an ability to recognize and evaluate their theoretical and practical outcomes.

This broad-based training in international affairs offers a solid basis for careers in national diplomatic services, in International Governmental Organizations (including European organizations), and in NGOs, as well as positions for analysts and consultants in internationally oriented private and public companies, public administrations, and research institutes. It also offers the basis for continued university studies at the PhD level.

Candidati ora! Anno accademico 2024/25
Periodo di candidatura concluso
Inizio degli studi
16 set 2024
Candidati ora! Anno accademico 2024/25
Periodo di candidatura concluso
Inizio degli studi
16 set 2024
Candidati ora! Anno accademico 2024/25
Periodo di candidatura concluso
Inizio degli studi
16 set 2024
Candidati ora! Anno accademico 2024/25
Periodo di candidatura concluso
Inizio degli studi
16 set 2024
Candidati ora! Anno accademico 2024/25
Inizio invio delle candidature
4 set 2024
This intake is not applicable

5th call dedicated to EU and NON-EU applicants residing in Italy ONLY.

Inizio degli studi
16 set 2024
Candidati ora! Anno accademico 2024/25
Periodo di candidatura concluso
Inizio degli studi
16 set 2024
Candidati ora! Anno accademico 2024/25
Periodo di candidatura concluso
Inizio degli studi
16 set 2024
Candidati ora! Anno accademico 2024/25
Periodo di candidatura concluso
Inizio degli studi
16 set 2024
Candidati ora! Anno accademico 2024/25
Periodo di candidatura concluso
Inizio degli studi
16 set 2024
Candidati ora! Anno accademico 2024/25
Inizio invio delle candidature
4 set 2024
This intake is not applicable

5th call dedicated to EU and NON-EU applicants residing in Italy ONLY.

Inizio degli studi
16 set 2024