Medicine and Surgery Harvey (for non-EU students)
Luogo di studio | Italia, Pavia |
Tipo | Laurea triennale, full-time |
Durata nominale | 6 years (360 ECTS) |
Lingua di studio | inglese |
Riconoscimenti | (Master's Degree in Medicine and Surgery (6 years)) |
Codice del corso | 04431/00/2024 |
Tassa scolastica | 4.500 € all'anno Students may be eligible to apply for a flat rate or to tuition fees calculated according to their family income. More information here: |
Tassa di iscrizione | 35 € per programma This fee is not refundable. |
Qualifiche di accesso | High school Diploma High-school diploma awarded after at least 12 years of documented education. Access to the Degree Course in Harvey medicine and surgery Course has a national entry test requirement (IMAT). In order to apply to the national IMAT test go to this link: THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS ARE INDICATED IN THE ANNUAL ANNOUNCEMENT TO THE COURSE I documenti di studio sono accettati nelle seguenti lingue: inglese / francese / italiano / spagnolo. Se i documenti forniti dalla tua istituzione non sono in lingua inglese, dovrai ottenere le traduzioni ufficiali insieme alle copie verificate dell’originale. In order to finalize your enrollment, you must submit the scanned version of your original documents. |
Requisiti in base al territorio | This registration is dedicated to prospective students who have obtained the final diploma outside of Italy in order to asses the eligibility of their diploma. At the end of the evaluation process, a letter will be issued by the University of Pavia. This letter, among other things, must be used during the pre-enrollment and visa procedures at the Italian authority in their Country (Consulate, Embassy, authorized agency). |
Requisiti linguistici | inglese |
Altri requisiti | If you wish to find out the exact number consult this link. |
Maggiori informazioni |
The Harvey Medicine and Surgery Course was founded October 1st, 2009 by professor Ermanno Gherardi, Head of the Department of Molecular Medicine.
It is a six-year, single-cycle Master’s Degree in Medicine and Surgery. The Harvey Course was thought “not just to teach the medical profession, but also to build a solid scientific basis for continued training that will be vital for the reception and understanding of future medicine”.
The Harvey Medicine and Surgery Course is the first medicine course entirely taught in English in Italy, together with several other MD programmes offered in English by the University of Pavia.
The Course was named after William Harvey (1578-1657), seventeenth-century British physician, a pioneer in correctly understanding and describing the circulatory system.
The Harvey Course arises from the need for an international (i.e. English language) medical school in Italy. The curriculum combines the long-established Italian teaching methods with the modern paradigms of interactive learning. Harvey trainees evolve into well-rounded doctors through a new wide-ranging programme of study and extensive practical training in the in the renown Pavia clinics and their research laboratories. This includes a rigorous and practical seminar programme provided by Harvey’s carefully selected local and international lecturers consisting of top-of-the-line clinicians, professors and scientists.
Struttura del programma
The Harvey medical Course is structured in six years of studies: the first three years cover the pre-clinical raining period; the last three years mainly focus on clinical training, hospital rotations and internships in Italy or abroad, and final thesis preparation.
• Basic Sciences (Chemistry and Medical Physics)
• Essay Writing Techniques
• Mathematics
• Living Molecules
• Scientific Foundation of Medicine (Epidemiology, History of Medicine, Statistics)
• Structure of The Body (Anatomy, Histology, Embryology, Cytology)
• Social Roots of Health
• Elective Courses: The Disabled Person / Ultrasound Laboratory
• Functions of the Body (Physiology)
• Ethics and Society
• Biology of Disease (General Pathology, Immunology)
• Laboratory of Medicine
• Microbiology
• Clinical Foundations (General Surgery, Semiotics, Radiology)
• Systemic Pathology
• Drug Discovery and Actions
• Disease Control and Eradication (Infectious Diseases, Clinical Epidemiology)
• Clinical Foundations Practicals
• Blood Diseases
• Disease of Endocrine System and Metabolism
• Elective Courses: Recision Medicine / The Disabled Patient / Nanotechnologies in Medicine / Evolution and Medicine
• Neurological and Psychiatric Diseases
• Heart and Lungs
• Sensory System Diseases
• Soft Tissue Diseases
• Gi And Urinary Tracts
• Clinical Cases 4th Year
• Childhood and Woman Health
• General Surgery I
• General Surgery Ii
• Clinical Pharmacology, Genetics and Pathology
• Clinical Cases 5th Year
• Clinical Medicine (Family Medicine, Forensic Medicine, Geriatrics, Internal Medicine, Occupational Medicine)
• Students Presentation of Scientific Papers
• Practicals in Degree Thesis Subject
• Practical Evaluative Traineeship in General Practice
Sbocchi professionali
Pavia is a multi-faceted city offering a wide range of jobs and opportunities, either in health, technology or research.
The University combines treatment and research in three leading hospitals: San Matteo, Fondazione Maugeri and Neurological Institute Mondino.
Graduates from the Harvey Curse may also participate in scientific, medical-related research projects from the wide variety proposed by the University of Pavia.
Information on the application process for A.Y. 2025/2026 will be available in June 2025
Information on the application process for A.Y. 2025/2026 will be available in June 2025