Lauree Magistrali a Ciclo Unico in Medicina e Chirurgia E Odontoiatria e Protesi Dentaria (solo per non-UE)
Luogo di studio | Italia, Pavia |
Tipo | Laurea triennale, full-time |
Durata nominale | 6 anni (360 ECTS) |
Lingua di studio | italiano |
Codice del corso | 04430/00/2024 |
Tassa scolastica | 4.500 € all'anno Students may be eligible to apply for a flat rate or to tuition fees calculated according to their family income. More information here: |
Tassa di iscrizione | 35 € per programma This fee is not refundable. |
Qualifiche di accesso | High school Diploma High-school diploma awarded after at least 12 years of documented education. Access to the Degree Course in Medicina e Chirurgia e has a national entry test requirement. THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS ARE INDICATED IN THE ANNUAL ANNOUNCEMENT TO THE COURSE The test dates for Pavia ara available HERE . I documenti di studio sono accettati nelle seguenti lingue: inglese / francese / italiano / spagnolo. In order to finalize your enrollment, you must submit the scanned version of your original documents. |
Requisiti in base al territorio | This registration is dedicated to non-EU students in order to request the evaluation of their final diploma if obtained outside of Italy |
Requisiti linguistici | italiano Non-eu students residing abroad who would like to enroll in a study course completely taught in Italian, have to prove their knowledge of the language through an Italian language test. The following categories are excluded from this obligation: |
Altri requisiti | If you wish to find out the exact number consult this link. |
Maggiori informazioni |
The aim of the the single-cycle Master’s Degree in “Medicina e Chirurgia” is to train a general practitioner with a solid scientific, professional and ethical preparation allowing a multidisciplinary and integrated approach to the management of community health.
The integrated didactic path to pursue the educational objectives of the course is divided into six years, with a total of 360 CFUs, 60 of which are professional traineeships.
A CFU corresponds to 25 hours of student commitment including at least 8 hours of lectures or 20 hours of practical activities.
The first two years of the course are dedicated to the integrated teaching of the basic preclinical disciplines (chemistry, physics, biology statistics, genetics, biochemistry, anatomy and physiology), aimed at understanding the biological complexity and the functioning of the human organism under normal conditions and to acquire the scientific methodology.
Starting from the third year on, this cultural and methodological basis, the integrated teaching of the disciplines characterizing clinics that lead to the knowledge of the pathological processes and the mechanisms underlying them will be included.
The teaching of clinical disciplines is essential from the medical practice that, starting from the third year, is carried out in small groups under the guidance of a tutor professor in affiliated hospital facilities.
The integration between theoretical, basic and characterizing knowledge, and medical practice not only allow the graduate to solve problems ( diagnosis, therapy and prevention) but also to gain awareness of ethical and social principles, by providing a solid basis for life-long learning, essential for the medical profession.
The training objective of the single-cycle Master’s Degree in “Odontoiatria e Protesi Dentaria” is the training of a professional figure corresponding to the profile of the Graduate in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics as it is intended in European Union countries.
The course is proposed to obtain this result through a six-year course in which the training of the Dentist will take place through a reasoned progression of courses with a theoretical and practical content.
In fact, there are lectures and, for some topics, exercises of various kinds. Particularly important are those to be performed on mannequins, in preparation for clinical activity.
As for practical professional training courses, particularly numerous and consisting in almost the entire teaching content of the last year, they are carried out at the facilities of the Monospecialistic Odontology Clinic which is appropriately equipped to offer any kind of professional activities, and where students are required to work under the supervision of teachers and tutors.
The learners are thus able to progressively acquire the habit of interacting with patients, the operational skills necessary to formulate a diagnosis of any pathology and implement the appropriate therapeutic procedures for the cases treated.
Naturally, in order to achieve the proposed results, it is necessary a prerequisite for which in the first year behavioral sciences and introduction to university course prevail, as well as chemistry, applied physics, biology, histology, anatomy and English language.
In the second year, together with the sciences of medical content such as physiology, biochemistry, microbiology and radiology, students will begin the treatment of the principles of dentistry which will then develop following the third year with the study of dental materials.
In the third year, courses of medical content such as pharmacology, general pathology, the various branches of internal medicine, radiodiagnostics and pathological anatomy are still carried out, with important spaces reserved for the special odontostomatological pathology.
The fourth year includes surgical, special and general disciplines, neurosciences, legal medicine and anesthesiology including the treatment of emergencies. At the same time, the study of pathologies and therapies of the cervico-facial zone begins, including aspects of otorhinolaryngology and plastic surgery and specific therapeutic disciplines of dentistry including conservative, gnathology, prosthetics and periodontology. Numerous credits are reserved for laboratories and simulated work.
The specialized disciplines in their practical and clinical aspects are the exclusive content of the fifth year, which includes implantology, orthodontics and child care.
In the sixth year, clinical placements and the treatment of complex clinical cases in the dentistry clinic prevail.
The assessment of learning takes place with formal oral and / or written exams according to the courses.
From the academic year 2016/17, the Progress Test carried out at the same time on the National level was introduced.
The evaluation of results for the integrated courses is done collegially by the teachers of the different modules.
Some teachers believe it useful to carry out ongoing assessment tests in order to evaluate the progress of learning during the course.
The results of practical exercises are assessed at the same time as the pertinent course, while the practical professional training courses, which take place over long periods and not coinciding with the courses, are validated separately.
The educational offer chosen by the student is wide and ranges from the management of dental practice to the prevention of skeletal muscle diseases of the dentist up to the more experimental aspects concerning the use of stem cells in tissue reconstructions.
From the academic year 2017/18, the teaching of Deontology requested by the National Federation of Medical and Surgical Doctors’ Orders is also active.
Struttura del programma
Study plan for MEDICINA E CHIRURGIA and further information are available at this link
Study plan for ODONTOIATRIA E PROTESI DENTARIA and further information are available at this link
Sbocchi professionali
The Master’s Degree in Medicina e Chirurgia is a prerequisite for obtaining the qualification to practice as a general surgeon in both public and private structures.
The degree in Medicina e Chirurgia is the requirement necessary to access specialization schools in the medical-surgical area as well as the Regional training course in general medicine.
Graduates in Odontoiatria e Protesi Dentaria will have employment opportunities as dentists both as a self-employed activity and in collaboration with private structures.
They can also carry out the following activities – dependent on or related to public or private structures according to different contract settings:
- 1st and 2nd level managers in the National Health System after obtaining a specialization;
- Researchers and / or teachers at Universities;
- Health care in the Armed Forces;
- Technical consultants of the Court’s office for private individuals and insurance companies;
- Consultants of companies in the relevant sector;
Thanks to the free circulation act in the European Union, the graduate in Odontoiatria e Protesi Dentaria may work in all EU countries according to the modalities regulated by local legislation.
Information on the application process for A.Y. 2025/2026 will be available in June 2025
Information on the application process for A.Y. 2025/2026 will be available in June 2025