Lingue e Letterature per la Comunicazione Interculturale
Luogo di studio | Italia, Pavia |
Tipo | Laurea magistrale, full-time |
Durata nominale | 2 anni (120 ECTS) |
Lingua di studio | italiano |
Codice del corso | 05430/00/2025 |
Tassa scolastica | 3.500 € all'anno Students may be eligible to apply for a flat rate or to tuition fees calculated according to their family income. More information here: |
Tassa di iscrizione | 35 € per programma This fee is not refundable. |
Qualifiche di accesso | Diploma di laurea triennale (o superiore) Terms, conditions and academic requirements to access the Degree Course are indicated at this link I documenti di studio sono accettati nelle seguenti lingue: inglese / francese / italiano / spagnolo. In order to finalize your enrollment, you must submit the scanned version of your original documents. |
Requisiti linguistici | italiano Non-eu students residing abroad who would like to enroll in a study course completely taught in Italian, have to prove their knowledge of the language through an Italian language test. The following categories are excluded from this obligation: |
Altri requisiti | If you wish to find out the exact number consult this link. |
Maggiori informazioni |
The course in “Lingue e Letterature per la Comunicazione Interculturale” consists of the improvement of specific competences in the literary and linguistic fields of two European languages and of the philology relative to one of them, accompanied by the study of Italian literature in a predominantly comparative perspective.
It is aimed at guaranteeing a mastery of the philological and critical tools necessary for a correct and exhaustive approach to a literary text and to the reference culture as well as fostering the development of the student’s critical and in-depth autonomy, which finds expression in the drafting of the final thesis.
Regarding the linguistic preparation, the course pays particular attention to the acquisition of high communicative registers (both written and oral) of the language, with particular reference to the languages of literary criticism and philological sciences.
Struttura del programma
Study plan and further information are available at this link
The Department has successfully implemented a Double Degree program with a prestigious University in France. This bilateral agreement allows the students who participate in the program to obtain an Italian degree and the equivalent foreign title. Learn more here
Sbocchi professionali
Gli sbocchi previsti dal corso di laurea, con funzioni di elevata responsabilità, sono negli istituti di cooperazione internazionale, nelle istituzioni culturali italiane all’estero e nelle rappresentanze diplomatiche e consolari, in enti e istituzioni nazionali e internazionali, come consulenti linguistici nei settori dello spettacolo, del turismo, dell’editoria e del giornalismo e nella comunicazione multimediale, e nell’insegnamento secondario.
Ora dell’Europa centrale
Ora dell’Europa centrale
5th call dedicated to EU and NON-EU applicants residing in Italy ONLY.
Ora dell’Europa centrale
Ora dell’Europa centrale
5th call dedicated to EU and NON-EU applicants residing in Italy ONLY.