Tuition fee €4,500 per year

Tuition fee for non-EU students who enter Italy with a study visa is based on flat rate and depends on the citizenship.
If non-EU students come from a family with limited financial resource, they can choose to have their tuition fee calculated according to their family income (from €156,00 to €3.985,00 per year).
For more info please consult this link

Application fee €35 per programme

This fee is not refundable.

More information 


The Degree Course in “Scienze Geologiche” aims to train professionals with a robust basic theoretical and experimental preparation in the field of Earth Sciences.
Students receive a strong methodological approach, which allows them to operate in a wide range of occupational fields or, alternatively, to continue their studies with a Master’s Degree.
Access to the Degree in Geological Sciences is free.
Those who hold one of the following qualifications may proceed to enrollment:
a) high school diploma;
b) qualification obtained abroad after at least 12 years of schooling.
The duration of the course of study is three years.
The educational activities of the degree course correspond to a total of 180 ECTS credits.
Attendance is not mandatory but strongly recommended.
The course is structured according to a predominantly compulsory study plan, which includes basic subjects (Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, and Computer Science) and characterizing lessons in geological areas.
Some courses provide a large laboratory activity and numerous excursions with field exercises, peculiarities of the Degree Course. The University recognizes the importance of the ground activities for our students, supporting with adequate financial resources the teaching activity of our courses.
In addition to practical activities, the course provides that the student performs an internship of 5 credits (125 hours).
This internship is an integral part of the training program, contributing to the achievement of the educational objectives of the Degree Course, and is carried out in institutions / companies having an agreement with the University of Pavia.
The internship can also be carried out in the laboratories of the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences of the University of Pavia.
Students can take part of their studies at Universities abroad with student mobility programs recognized by the Universities of the European Union (ERASMUS +, ERASMUS Traineeship).
The main sectors of employment for graduates in Geological Sciences are the following:
- Professional civil engineering and applied geology studies;
- Studies and research companies on surface and ground waters;
- Companies operating in the field of territorial management;
- National geological services and local authorities (Regions, Provinces, Municipalities, Mountain Communities);
- Oil and natural gas research companies;
- Geological prospecting and mining research company;
- Research institutions, including those operating in the field of geological risk (eg INGV);
- IT companies operating in the field of digital cartography;
- Laboratories and companies operating in the field of restoration and enhancement of cultural heritage;
- National and international companies for the environment;
- Public and private enterprises creating infrastructures.

Programme structure

Study plan and further information are available at this link

Career opportunities

The Degree course in Scienze Geologiche has a strong methodological approach aiming to provide graduates with a robust basic theoretical and experimental preparation in Earth Sciences.
The program provides an adequate understanding of the geological processes that govern the dynamics of our Planet Earth and which control the distribution of natural resources and geological risks.
The educational system proposed for this degree has a cultural nature, with a strong base in general geological disciplines, referring to the subsequent Master’s Degree program the specialization in the various fields leading to multiple professional opportunities. This choice, shared at national level, allows easier mobility for students between the first and second cycle level of university studies. The professional skills of graduates in the three-year degree course in Scienze Geologiche might be applied in companies and professional firms engaged in geological-engineering and geological-environmental sectors, oil companies and service companies for oil exploration and drilling. For example, a graduate may be employed in data processing and modeling, and be trained in the performance of specialized tasks.

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16 Sept 2024
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16 Sept 2024
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16 Sept 2024
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Studies commence
16 Sept 2024
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5th call dedicated to EU and NON-EU applicants residing in Italy ONLY.

Studies commence
16 Sept 2024
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Studies commence
16 Sept 2024
Apply now! Academic year 2024/25
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Studies commence
16 Sept 2024
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Studies commence
16 Sept 2024
Apply now! Academic year 2024/25
Application period has ended
Studies commence
16 Sept 2024
Apply now! Academic year 2024/25
Application start
4 Sept 2024
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5th call dedicated to EU and NON-EU applicants residing in Italy ONLY.

Studies commence
16 Sept 2024