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Laurea Triennale in Chimica (procedure for non-EU students residing outside Italy)

Tuition fee €4,500 per year

Tuition fee for non-EU students who enter Italy with a study visa is based on flat rate and depends on the citizenship.
If non-EU students come from a family with limited financial resource, they can choose to have their tuition fee calculated according to their family income (from €156,00 to €3.985,00 per year).
For more info please consult this link

Application fee €35 per programme

This fee is not refundable.

More information



The Degree Course in “Chimica” aims to provide the graduate with a sound basic training open to both the continuation of studies through a Master’s Degree, with the purpose of achieving excellence, and entry into the labor market.
The cultural profile is characterized by a broad basis in mathematics and physics, as an indispensable support for all subsequent investigations in chemical disciplines.
The four chemical disciplines (Analytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, General and Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry) are organized into two annual courses of theoretical classes, each of which is in turn complemented by laboratory exercises, in order to ensure graduates have a good level of experimental skills and confidence with the chemical methodologies, instruments and problems of the chemical laboratory.
In the laboratory courses, wide space is given to the formation of professionalism that can be directly spent on the labor market in positions such as graduate-laboratory technicians in analysis or quality control, graduate-laboratory researchers and developers of products or processes, product technicians or customer service workers, etc.
The study plan allows both the continuation of university education with enrollment in a Master’s Degree, or entry into the labour market.
Students who do not intend to continue their studies have the opportunity to broaden their professional experience by completing an internship entirely with institutions or companies outside the academic world.

Programme structure

Study plan and further information are available at this link

Career opportunities

The possible functions in a work context are the following:
- Assistant specialists in activities conducted in chemical research or activities requiring the application of chemical procedures and protocols;
- Apply, by performing service activities, defined and predetermined protocols and consolidated knowledge;
- Performing, in the framework of a pre-established program and under the direction of a Senior Chemist, tests and laboratory tests for the development of new products;
- On the basis of product specifications, performing chemical analyzes and quality controls requiring the mastery of even more complex chemical and instrumental techniques;
- Uses standardized methods such as chemical analysis of each species;
- Dealing with customer requests and advising on the use of products.
The possible professional outlets are also the following:
1. Public and private research bodies.
2. Analysis, control and quality certification laboratories.
3. Public and / or private bodies and companies, as a freelance employee or consultant.
4. Industries and work environments requiring basic knowledge of chemistry.