Tuition fee €4,500 per year

Tuition fee for non-EU students who enter Italy with a study visa is based on flat rate and depends on the citizenship.
If non-EU students come from a family with limited financial resource, they can choose to have their tuition fee calculated according to their family income (from €156,00 to €3.985,00 per year).
For more info please consult this link

Application fee €35 per programme

This fee is not refundable.

More information 


The Department of Biology and Biotechnology offers a Course for a Master Degree in Molecular Biology and Genetics. This 2-year second level degree (Biology class) is an intensive, full-time graduate program entirely taught in English and designed for graduates at the BA level who are seeking a qualification in advanced areas of Biology, with special attention to Molecular Biology, Genetics, and Biochemistry. Graduates will acquire a strong theoretical and methodological background relevant to both basic and applied aspects of these disciplines.

For details please contact the Admission Office (

The Master Degree in Molecular Biology and Genetics offers two tracks:

  • Molecular Life Sciences (MLS): designed around the needs and requirements of students who want to acquire a strong theoretical and methodological background relevant to both basic and applied aspects of Biology, with special attention to Genetics, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Cell Biology and Microbiology. This curriculum is characterized by a strong practical component (hands-on) constituted by an internship in a research laboratory carried out under the supervision of a faculty member.
  • Molecular and Digital Biology (MDB): focused on the analysis and integration of biological data generated by applying the high-throughput approaches that characterize modern “omics” techniques. This curriculum has been activated in response to the development of high-throughput technologies dedicated to genome analyses and to the growing request of Biologists specialised in their application and the analysis.

Other sources of information on the program:

Programme structure

• Methods in Biochemistry
• Structural Biology and Pharmacology
• Microbial Genetics
• Advanced Molecular Biology
• Bioinformatics
• Human Molecular Genetics
• Molecular Pharmacology
• Internship for thesis

• Cellular Biochemistry
• Developmental Biology
• Molecular Microbiology
• Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
• Internship for thesis
• Two elective courses or one elective course + one elective laboratory activity

• One course between BASIC Molecular Biology / Structural Biology
• One course between BASIC Biochemistry / Cellular Biochemistry
• One course between BASIC Microbiology / Microbial Genetics
• One course between BASIC Genetics and Cell Biology / Human Molecular Genetics
• Bioinformatics
• Advanced Molecular Biology
• Molecular Pharmacology
• Statistics and Big Data Analysis
• Elective activity or Course of Italian Language for International Students

• Laboratory of Advanced Bioinformatics for Omics Sciences
• Genomics and Evolution of Emerging Infectious Diseases
• Pharmacogenomics, cancer genomics and epigenomics
• Two elective courses or one elective course + one elective laboratory activity
• Internship for experimental thesis

Common elective courses
• Advanced Microscopy
• Molecular Genetics
• Molecular Entomology
• Immunology

Elective Laboratory activity: Plant Pathology / Botany / Plant Physiology / Zoology / Comparative Anatomy and Cytology / Ecology / Physiology / Biochemistry / Molecular Biology / Pharmocology / Genetics / Microbiology / General Pathology / Immunology / Parasitology

Career opportunities

A Molecular Biology and Genetics Master degree may offer a successful introduction to different types of jobs throughout society. Graduates will find work opportunities in a wide range of fields and institutions, including a possible continuation of the study towards a qualified Ph. D. degree for a career in the academic or research organization world, or employment in the health sector, in biotech companies, in agribusiness research, in the communication media, as well as for teaching in the private or public sectors.

Apply now! Academic year 2024/25
Application period has ended
Studies commence
16 Sept 2024
Apply now! Academic year 2024/25
Application period has ended
Studies commence
16 Sept 2024
Apply now! Academic year 2024/25
Application period has ended
Studies commence
16 Sept 2024
Apply now! Academic year 2024/25
Application period has ended
Studies commence
16 Sept 2024
Apply now! Academic year 2024/25
Application start
4 Sept 2024
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5th call dedicated to EU and NON-EU applicants residing in Italy ONLY.

Studies commence
16 Sept 2024
Apply now! Academic year 2024/25
Application period has ended
Studies commence
16 Sept 2024
Apply now! Academic year 2024/25
Application period has ended
Studies commence
16 Sept 2024
Apply now! Academic year 2024/25
Application period has ended
Studies commence
16 Sept 2024
Apply now! Academic year 2024/25
Application period has ended
Studies commence
16 Sept 2024
Apply now! Academic year 2024/25
Application start
4 Sept 2024
This intake is not applicable

5th call dedicated to EU and NON-EU applicants residing in Italy ONLY.

Studies commence
16 Sept 2024